Pandora’s Box Project – First Reading

I count myself luck to be a part of an exciting new piece of theater.  The Pandora’s Box Project was created by Jess Smith and Dante Smith (no relation) as a theatrical response to the “war on women.” It’s best describe in their own words from their Indie GoGo page:

Our plan of attack is to build a play–not a variety show, not a series of scenes–a play wherein the words of one writer will be juxtaposed against what others write. We are aiming for a collage that examines, elucidates, and honors this complex interchange of women, reproduction, subjugation, sex, power, and politics in Western thought. We are going to weave our combined words together and speak to a larger story. We may put Eve, Pandora, Salome, and Nora Helmer, or whoever else we feel needs to speak in the same room together. The point is to really dig into the issues, and to do so from as many perspectives as possible.

The play includes hundreds of submissions from playwrights and artists all over the country sharing their views and experience on/in this complex issue.

Today we had a first read of the collated material and began a discussion on what is working and what isn’t and why. This is what I want art to be about; engaging culture and dealing with the mess that is life in a true and illuminating way.

More updates on this project as they progress.

You can read more about the project at the following links