
This Is The Only Thing That Has Ever Happened

As you may or may not know I have been working on a project for the past month at Columbia University with MFA Directing Candidate Tyne Rafaeli. We have been devising a play inspired by the life and marriages of Harold Pinter. We used his plays and a memoir by his second wife Antonia Fraser, Must You Go, as a starting point to explore relationships, the devastation caused by adultery, and what and who people will sacrifice for love and happiness. This has been a process that I have thoroughly enjoyed and I hope you can make it because I would love to share the work with you.

The show runs approximately 45 min and it’s FREE


Here are the details:

Saturday Dec 10th 7:00 and 9:30 pm

Sunday Dec 11th 2:00 pm

Columbia University Shapiro Studio Theater

615 West 115th St.

Just west of Broadway on the North side of the street

Take the stairs behind the security guard down to the theater.

We have an invited dress Friday Dec 9th at 8:00 pm. We want to keep this audience small so please if you can make another showtime go that one.

Directed by Tyne Rafaeli

Movement by Rachel Garis

Cast: Cameron Perry, Patrick Davis, Erin McGuff, Amanda Boekelheide, Ben Fisher, Justin Perez, Quincy Ellis, Nika Ezell Pappas, Allison Minick, Michael Markham


The Curing Room

I was lucky enough to read the role of Lt. Ehrenberg in David Ian Lee’s The Curing Room at Manhattan Theater Source Monday, August 22nd.

The Curing Room tells the true story of seven NKVD officers who were imprisoned nude & possession less in the basement of a monastery in Nazi occupied Poland. It’s a tense, taut thriller, and not one for the kiddies. This is a play about human beings put in an incredible situation, dealing with it in a variety of real human ways.
The fantastic ensemble included Gus Schulenburg, James Comtois, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Stephen Heskett, David Crommett, Brian Silliman, Kristen Vaughan and Myself. The reading was directed by Pete Boisvert.

We packed the house down at the Source and found a very warm reception to this chilling material.

This is a play I believe in very strongly and hope will have a life in full production soon.

Performing with Spark and Echo

I will be performing with Spark and Echo Arts this Friday night, July 15th at 7:00 pm
@ Calvary/St. George’s Episcopal Church 277 Park Ave. South (at E. 21st St.).

We will be performing a new play Sing by Nick Stokes. It is a meditation on several verses from Psalm 22. The performance will be a part of Redeemer Presbyterian’s InterArts Fellowship: The Artist and Beauty. You can get more information about the evening and register for the event HERE. Registration is not required for attendance, but it is encouraged.

Please visit Spark and Echo Arts at their site: http://www.sparkandecho.org/

Kid A: Scenes 5 thru 7

Kid A: 05 Treefingers

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj3vCl_oRkE[/youtube]


Kid A: 06 Optimistic

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFSbhAvtqlQ[/youtube]


Kid A: 07 In Limbo

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QVw4jS0a4E[/youtube]


Written and Directed by Michael Markham
Michael Markham – Him
Jessica Crandall – Her
Justin Swain, Kenyon Adams, Haas Regen – His Friends
Tegan Meyer, Tara Ann Chase, Matt Woods – Her Friends
Paula Nance – Her Mother
Ellie Ellsworth – Her Grandmother
Sam Chase – The Nice Looking Gentleman

Director of Photography – Matt Woods
Editing – Michael Markham

Special thanks:
To my Wife. Thanks for putting up with this.
Karen Heidgard & Deb Holcombe
The Gin Mill. They throw great parties.

Northpoint Reading

Monday May 23rd, 2011.

I was lucky enough to be a part of wonderful evening of theater at the Baruch Performing Arts Center.

Northpoint: Voices from a Kentucky Prison, was a benefit reading of plays written by inmates from The Northpoint Training Center (a medium security prison) in Bergin, Kentucky.

I read two plays written by Rob Daughenbaugh and Denny Holder.

The evening raised money to support the continuation of a 10-minute playwriting program funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) at Northpoint. The progam began in the summer of 2010, by Curt L. Tofteland, Shakespeare Behind Bars Producing Director, partnering with producer/playwright Robby Henson, Robby’s sister Holly Henson, (Artistic Director, Pioneer Playhouse), and playwright Elizabeth Orndorff.

The evening was produced in partnership by Theaterlab and AMC Creative.

The Curing Room

I was blessed to be a part of reading a new play by David Ian Lee, The Curing Room. Based on a true event involving 7 Russian soldiers locked in an abandoned Monastery in 1944 Poland. It’s a chilling piece of Drama. We read on Wednesday the 11th at the Manhattan Theater Source and Monday the 16th at the Torn Page Salon.

Joining AEA

As of today Tuesday May 10th, 2011 I am a member of the Actors Equity Association.

AEA Logo

Kid A: Scenes 03 & 04

Kid A: 03 The National Anthem

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgXat0df1R0[/youtube]


Kid A: 04 How to Disappear Completely

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9Gd4hkEe_s[/youtube]

Written and Directed by Michael Markham
Michael Markham – Him
Jessica Crandall – Her
Justin Swain, Kenyon Adams, Haas Regen – His Friends
Tegan Meyer, Tara Ann Chase, Matt Woods – Her Friends
Paula Nance – Her Mother
Ellie Ellsworth – Her Grandmother
Sam Chase – The Nice Looking Gentleman

Director of Photography – Matt Woods
Editing – Michael Markham

Special thanks:
To my Wife. Thanks for putting up with this.
Karen Heidgard & Deb Holcombe
The Gin Mill. They throw great parties.

Monthly Shakespeare Intensive

On Sunday May 1st, I read for the second time at Director Adriana Baer’s Monthly Shakespeare Intensive. In March I read the role of Saturninus in Titus Andronicus. This month we worked on Twelfth Night. I read the part of Malvolio. It was a boisterous evening capped off with original songs by Ben Williams in the role of Feste

The cast was as follows:

ORSINO, Duke of Illyria [Count Orsino; County] Patrick Barrett
VALENTINE Joseph Rende
CURIO Moses Villarama
First Officer Joseph Rende
Second Officer Joseph Rende
VIOLA, a shipwrecked lady, later disguised as Cesario Laurie Schroeder
SEBASTIAN, her twin brother Jonathan Horvath
CAPTAIN of the wrecked ship Moses Villarama
ANTONIO, another sea-captain Moses Villarama
OLIVIA, a countess Elizabeth Romanski
MARIA, her waiting-gentlewoman [Mistress Mary; Marian] Julie Fogh
SIR TOBY BELCH, her uncle Ben Newman
SIR ANDREW AGUECHEEK, Sir Toby’s protégé Asher Bailey
MALVOLIO, Olivia’s steward Michael Markham
FABIAN, a member of her household Moses Villarama
FESTE, her jester [Clown; also disguised as Sir Topas] Ben Williams
A PRIEST Joseph Rende
A SERVANT and SAILORS Joseph Rende

For more information about Adriana Visit her site HERE and at Central Coaching.

For Ben Williams visit his site HERE.

April: New York Madness

Tuesday, April 26th, I was invited to return  for the third time to New York Madness.  This months theme was “Mystique” chosen and guided by Guest Artistic Producing Playwrights Don & Martha Wollner. This month I was lucky enough to work with New York Madness Managing Director Judith Leora in her play Poignant Aura about the lives we think we share with the people we see every morning at Starbucks. If you are not currently following what’s happening at New York Madness, check it out.