Kid A: Scene 02
Kid A: 02 Kid A
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgIfC0tOXKg[/youtube]
Written and Directed by Michael Markham
Michael Markham – Him
Jessica Crandall – Her
Justin Swain, Kenyon Adams, Haas Regen – His Friends
Tegan Meyer, Tara Ann Chase, Matt Woods – Her Friends
Paula Nance – Her Mother
Ellie Ellsworth – Her Grandmother
Sam Chase – The Nice Looking Gentleman
Director of Photography – Matt Woods
Editing – Michael Markham
Special thanks:
To my Wife. Thanks for putting up with this.
Kid A: Finally out in the open
I made a movie a few years ago. It was an experiment in learning. I am now releasing it to the wild. I hope you enjoy.
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM6UqvUCT24[/youtube]
This is the first scene of a film I made 3 years ago. I shot this on basically no budget with a borrowed home camcorder. It was a grand experiment that was both an immense success and failure. It was my first film. The farther I get away from it the more proud and disappointed I am with how it turned out. Disappointed because I see all the things I didn’t know, and now wish I could fix, don’t have the time to fix. The more I look at it the more work there is to do. It’s a success because the more experience I get, I realize the scope of what I was attempting with so little, and how much I was able to accomplish on sheer ignorance and will power. I hope you enjoy it.
This is a silent film based on Radiohead’s album “Kid A”. The music itself was the original inspiration for the film. After some work it became a modern Romeo and Juliet story. This is the first scene. I plan on “releasing” the rest of the movie, song by song over the next few weeks. I do not have the rights to the music. I hope that it doesn’t get pulled.
Written and Directed by Michael Markham
Michael Markham – Him
Jessica Crandall – Her
Justin Swain, Kenyon Adams, Haas Regen – His Friends
Tegan Meyer, Tara Ann Chase, Matt Woods – Her Friends
Paula Nance – Her Mother
Ellie Ellsworth – Her Grandmother
Sam Chase – The Nice Looking Gentleman
Director of Photography – Matt Woods
Editing – Michael Markham
Special thanks:
To my Wife. Thanks for putting up with this.
March Madness New York
Wednesday March 23rd, I was invited to return to New York Madness. I was cast in three new plays: Hunting by Jeffrey James Keyes and directed by the every wonderful Adriana Baer, about three friends whose ghost hunting hobby comes to an unfortunate end; ETRUELOVE by Judith Leora, in which two lost people find love through an online dating customer service hotline; and finally That Thing That Happened To Me by Guest Artistic Producing Playwright John Walch, about a possible assault on a subway train. The evening was quite a success despite the winter thunderstorm outside. This months theme was “Inside-Out” which manifested itself in a variety of way through out the plays, from the physical to the metaphoric. If you are not currently following what’s happening at New York Madness, check it out. You should also check out an interview with Jeffrey James Keyes and Judith Leora HERE.
From This Terrace: Triange Factory Fire.
There is a new collection of my photographs up on From This Terrace. They are commemorating the Centennial of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. You can find Alida’s essay HERE, and a direct link to the gallery HERE.
Madness New York
Read the new play Love in the Checkout Aisle by Jeffrey James Keyes at New York Madness last night. The play was about love and the connections you make when you work at Target and the intercom button changes your life. Overall, it was an exciting night of new theater in a very hot room. This week’s theme was “target”, devised and coordinated by this months guest artistic producing playwright Crystal Skillman. The 12 playwrights took that theme in vastly different directions from throwing rocks in the woods, to writing screen plays, to the cheap plastic crap that fills dorm rooms across these United Sates. I was so happy to be working director Adriana Baer again. Congrats to all on all the good work.
From This Terrace
I have started a new artistic project with the writer Alida Brill at www.fromthisterrace.com. We are collaborating on this weekly blog. She writes, and I provide photography that either inspires or supports her writing. Please stop by and follow our work.
Back in New York
I got back to New York in the Middle of November from a 6 week stint a the Arkansas Repertory Theatre. I played Rosencrantz in “Hamlet”, Directed by Robert Hupp and staring Avery Clark. The experience was a welcome one. I learned much about regional theater, and had a blast playing with such an enjoyable cast. For anyone interested in going to Little Rock, make sure you check out the Clinton Library and Little Rock Central High School.