
Subway Shakespeare

Check out this new endeavor I am trying to get started. I am currently looking for more scenes to do and people to do them with. So if you have ideas and/or want to be involved please Contact me.

As a warning, it’s a little difficult to hear at the beginning. My mic fell to the bottom of my shirt. Things to learn for next time!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3scpVpz5Wt8[/youtube]

Petruchio – Michael Markham
Kate – Valerie Redd
Camera – Nicholas Rubino-Bradway, Joseph Sebring
Sound – Joseph Sebring


This is a short film I made in collaboration with some very good friends. Hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: Not Safe For Work. Includes sexual situations and coarse language.

I have added a password to this video because I am looking to submit it to festivals and currently don’t want it widely available on the internet. If you would like to see it please Contact me and I’ll be happy to send you the password.


Written by David Ian Lee and Michael Markham
Starring: Karen Sternberg and David Ian Lee

Edited by Michael Markham

Directed by Michael Markham

Shot Pinecone

I had an amazing weekend staying up late with David Ian Lee and Karen Sternberg. We shot 90% of a short film Pinecone, written by David and myself, based on a play of his. We had a blast. This movies is a creepy good time. I can’t wait to share it with everyone.

Terminal Legacy Screening

Got to see an advanced screening of my feature film debut tonight. Terminal Legacy written and directed by Brian Kazmarck.

More info Here:


Recording “Civil War Voices”

So blessed this weekend to be reunited with the cast of Civil War Voices. This is such a delightful group of people. We got together at PPI Studios at 19 Mercer Street to record a demo album for the show. It was my first time in the recording studio and I have to say I was a little terrified. I haven’t been in a musical since CWV closed 2 years ago. Fun was had by all.

Pandora’s Box Project – First Reading

I count myself luck to be a part of an exciting new piece of theater.  The Pandora’s Box Project was created by Jess Smith and Dante Smith (no relation) as a theatrical response to the “war on women.” It’s best describe in their own words from their Indie GoGo page:

Our plan of attack is to build a play–not a variety show, not a series of scenes–a play wherein the words of one writer will be juxtaposed against what others write. We are aiming for a collage that examines, elucidates, and honors this complex interchange of women, reproduction, subjugation, sex, power, and politics in Western thought. We are going to weave our combined words together and speak to a larger story. We may put Eve, Pandora, Salome, and Nora Helmer, or whoever else we feel needs to speak in the same room together. The point is to really dig into the issues, and to do so from as many perspectives as possible.

The play includes hundreds of submissions from playwrights and artists all over the country sharing their views and experience on/in this complex issue.

Today we had a first read of the collated material and began a discussion on what is working and what isn’t and why. This is what I want art to be about; engaging culture and dealing with the mess that is life in a true and illuminating way.

More updates on this project as they progress.

You can read more about the project at the following links



Kenyon Adams & American Restless at Sullivan Hall

I had the distinct pleasure of watching my friend Kenyon Adams and his band play Sullivan Hall this past Friday night. I took some video for them.

It provided me an opportunity to play with my new Tascam D40 field recorder. I got some pretty decent sound out of the internal mics.

I hope you enjoy their work as much as I do.

On The Road Again




Rollin & Tumblin




People Get Ready


Bring Lights – Part the Waters


Submissions Only

I was lucky enough this past year to get the chance to work with the fantastic Kate Weatherhead and Andrew Keenan-Bolger on their innovative web series Submission’s Only. I was brought in to DP a few scenes here and there throughout Season 2. You can find all of Season 2 online at Broadway World . com (link below).


Christopher Marlowe’s Chloroform Dream

christopher marlowe's chloroform dreams

If you can make it out we are running at The Red Room through May 5th. We were also 9th on this list from Time Out!

Here is all the info about the show.

lunar energy presents

christopher marlowe’s chloroform dreams
by katharine sherman
directed by philip gates

the red room (85 e 4th st, third floor)
april 18-may 5
wednesday/thursday/friday at 7:30pm
saturday at 2pm & 7:30pm

$16 in advance
$18 at the door
pay-what-you-can preview wed 4/18
tix here: http://www.smarttix.com/show.aspx?showcode=CHR33

an elizabethan noir fairytale.
a collage, a mashup, a mixtape.
inkstains, needles, whiskey, forests, fedoras.
myth, ritual, addiction, love, language.

featuring christopher fahmie, sheila joon*, michael markham*, valerie redd* & curry whitmire
*appears courtesy of actors equity association

with designs by joshua david bishop, will fulton, alana jacoby, kalere payton & samantha walsh

publicity by emily owens pr


New – New Birth Portrait: Charlie Osewalt

A few years ago I was lucky enough to direct and produce a video portrait of Ellie Ellsworth for Redeemer Presbyterian’s New Birth Portrait Series. This was a series of intimate videos examining different peoples path to faith in Christ. This year I was asked to return and create a new portrait of Charlie Osewalt’s  extraordinary journey. It, along with the other videos in the series have been put on display at Redeemer’s new W83’rd St. Ministry Center on the 5th floor. The installation will be there through the end of the month.

If you can’t make it to the church to see them you can do so Here:

New Birth Portrait: Charlie Osewalt from Redeemer Video on Vimeo.

The rest of the Series can be viewed at www.newbirthportraits.com